How did we get to the final building ? Pietro sent me first a picture of the Swiss Stem Cells Bank in real life, but he wanted something different. So I went to make a research and fell in love with the buildings of the Hydro Houses Company in Second Life. The work of Porky Gorky seemed to me exactly what we need for the S.S.C.B. : light, transparent, aesthetic... it was just a question of choice.... so I asked Pietro to meet me there at Hydro Houses and tell me his feelings. And this is how it started ....
[13:42] contactum2000 Allen: ok, I would say...
[13:58] contactum2000 Allen: a mix between this farahon
[13:58] contactum2000 Allen: icarus
[13:59] contactum2000 Allen: caprica
[14:00] contactum2000 Allen: enigma
[14:01] contactum2000 Allen: calypso
[14:01] Clara Young: =)
[14:01] contactum2000 Allen: pacifica
[14:01] Clara Young: i bought pacifica and enigma and i dont remember which other one
[14:01] contactum2000 Allen: nemesis
[14:02] Clara Young: we will go now to try them on the island
[14:02] Clara Young: you want them all lol
[14:02] contactum2000 Allen: end, finally, skylaa!!!!
[14:02] contactum2000 Allen: that's it!!!!!
[14:02] Clara Young: =)))) i bought that one and i have to talk with this architect builder
[14:03] contactum2000 Allen: I think you absolutly got what I think also my client would like
[14:03] Clara Young: =)), good then
[14:03] contactum2000 Allen: I'm talking about a mix that has to manifest:
[14:03] Clara Young: you know why i like this
[14:04] contactum2000 Allen: modernitiy
[14:04] Clara Young: because aqua
[14:04] contactum2000 Allen: sureness
[14:04] Clara Young: aqua is life
[14:04] Clara Young: life is birth
[14:04] contactum2000 Allen: transparency
[14:04] Clara Young: yes
[14:04] Clara Young: we are in the concept there
[14:04] contactum2000 Allen: sureness = security
[14:04] Clara Young: we just have to push it max
[14:04] contactum2000 Allen: brava!!!
After some tests I made in the sky with the different buildings we mentionned, I arrived to this solution, a double enigma which was for me the symbols of life like a DNA... but aesthetically it was massive though well balanced.

[8:55] contactum2000 Allen: I went again to the Hydro-projects and I feel that to use the building not simmetric would be better
[8:56] Clara Young: ok i understand
[8:57] contactum2000 Allen: maybe we also could to enlarge it adding "modules" like the 3 that allready are in the demo.
[9:00] contactum2000 Allen: what I think is that the arc of the building is very similar to the S of SSCB logo, if you remember
[9:01] Clara Young: this is why i chose that one
[9:01] Clara Young: and also because it is waves
[9:01] contactum2000 Allen: BRAVA!!!!!
[9:01] Clara Young: and round
[9:01] Clara Young: i think the building should be curvy in some way
[9:02] contactum2000 Allen: I agree
[9:03] Clara Young: but i also understand the dissymetry
[9:03] Clara Young: now that we have the land, i can think in situation which is very different
[9:03] contactum2000 Allen: you know what? we could reduce by one module on the left site and add it to the right side. In that case would reflect exactly the logo SSCB
[9:04] Clara Young: ehehe, very smart. ok let's try that
And this is how we got to this great unique building, which if you look at it carefully is exactly half of the SSCB logo (you take the logo and you divide it in two horizontally).
At that time, I was a real beginner at building. To create a beach bungalow is quite easy, but to make such a complex building was a real puzzle for me. I learnt a lot about prims modifications, made a lot of mistakes, tried, canceled and retried, learnt also to save the work, dealt with crashing (which in those times were much more frequent than now) in the middle of a complicate manipulation, and loose it all... But when I look at the building now that I am a much better worker (!), I really think that was a great job (that could for sure be improved), and I am proud that with the help and reamrks from Pietro, we finally got
that piece....