I had come to Second Life while I was writing a thesis on "Coaching and new technology : human accompaniment at distance" for the Paris 8 University. I was trying to explore the different means that were offered by distant tools as email, IM, videoconference and I was finishing by persistant universes. I had no ideas exactly of what I would found, but after a little while, I really get caught by the multiple creative aspects of Second Life. I finished my thesis and finally stayed inworld where I created the Feel at Home brand and my first village on Tulip Island. It was a magic time, where I made really good relationships in all over the worlds, and learnt a lot about community, small building and small scripting...
I had a vague idea I wanted to link this to my real consultant activity but I was taking my time. One day, I was contacted by one of the resident on Tulip, under the name of Contactum2000 Allen. Pietro who liked my work there, asked me if I was able to conduct a project for him and that was the Swiss Stem Cells Bank. It was supposed to be small, experimental and limited in time. It ended up big, corporate and it is still open to future development. But the best of all, is I really enjoyed working with Pietro on that project, where I think we both felt as Colombus, discovering potentialities of a New World.... The subject was for me enthousiastic, and I am really happy of the work we achieved there, hoping it has brought many people to learn about the role of the stem cells. I am grateful I had this chance to have met Pietro and that he chose me to accomplish this project in Second Life. It was my really first corporate project in Second Life and a production which I was proud of in my portfolio.
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