SSCB is the conjunction of two major Swiss medical and research institutions : the Laboratory of Molecular Diagnosis and the Cardiologic Centre of Lugano Tessin, an ultramodern building which shelters a hospital specialised in acute pathologies, equipped with operation rooms and a service of intensive therapy, controlled by a technical service able to operate 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year.
The SSCB is the first Swiss structure to propose a private service for stem cells conservation, the only one to manage totally and exclusively the laboratories and conservation activities in Switzerland.
The SSCB is the first Swiss structure to propose a private service for stem cells conservation, the only one to manage totally and exclusively the laboratories and conservation activities in Switzerland.
More specifically, SSCB isolates and conserves the stem cells of the umbilical cord at the time of the birth, cells that could be used in the future, to cure, and maybe save the life of the new born baby. Even throughout his childhood, and when he becomes an adult. The cells conserved at SSCB belong exclusively to the people who stored them and who will be able to use them at any time they would need them.
The stem cells are cells which "did not specialized yet", meaning not differentiated yet to fulfill a specific and final function. A stem cell undifferentiated is characterized by its capacity to generate cells specialized while being different and to multiply quasi infinitely in an identical way (autorenewal), in particular in culture.
In fact it is like cell-joker, and this characteristic makes them extremely valuable because potentially able "to repair" damaged bodies and tissues.
The adult stem cells are present in some of our organs and tissues, and have generally the role to regenerate the body or tissue where they are present. The adult stem cells are present in great concentration in the blood of the umbilical cord at the moment of the birth. There is thus no obstacle of moral nature to their use with therapeutic or research purposes.
Today the stem cells are used in the treatment of certain tumours, lymphomas or leukaemias, but also for the myocardial infarction and in bone-marrow transplant. The scientific community considers that in a close future, the therapies issued from the stem cells will be used in a wide way for the care of diseases as various as: damaged spinal cord, neurodegeneratives diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer), diseases of the muscles and the skeleton, degenerative diseases of the liver, retina, cornea, auditive apparatus, metabolic diseases (like the diabetes), bones reconstruction.
For someone expecting a child, it is a unique opportunity to protect its future. The stem cells present in the umbilical cord at the moment of the birth are a unique and irreplaceable inheritance: to preserve it is a responsible choice.
The stem cells are cells which "did not specialized yet", meaning not differentiated yet to fulfill a specific and final function. A stem cell undifferentiated is characterized by its capacity to generate cells specialized while being different and to multiply quasi infinitely in an identical way (autorenewal), in particular in culture.
In fact it is like cell-joker, and this characteristic makes them extremely valuable because potentially able "to repair" damaged bodies and tissues.
The adult stem cells are present in some of our organs and tissues, and have generally the role to regenerate the body or tissue where they are present. The adult stem cells are present in great concentration in the blood of the umbilical cord at the moment of the birth. There is thus no obstacle of moral nature to their use with therapeutic or research purposes.
Today the stem cells are used in the treatment of certain tumours, lymphomas or leukaemias, but also for the myocardial infarction and in bone-marrow transplant. The scientific community considers that in a close future, the therapies issued from the stem cells will be used in a wide way for the care of diseases as various as: damaged spinal cord, neurodegeneratives diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer), diseases of the muscles and the skeleton, degenerative diseases of the liver, retina, cornea, auditive apparatus, metabolic diseases (like the diabetes), bones reconstruction.
For someone expecting a child, it is a unique opportunity to protect its future. The stem cells present in the umbilical cord at the moment of the birth are a unique and irreplaceable inheritance: to preserve it is a responsible choice.
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